Summer Desitnations

Sabrina Bargenoe, Staff Writer

Summer is the best time for travel. It’s warm and best of all there’s no school interrupting your time. Some traditions my family has is going fishing every year at Ben Irving, going camping at Powers, visiting the Coast, and going to Salem to visit my Grandma. Sometimes my sisters come down from Monroe to stay the summer. But I still have a list of places I want to go, including England but that’s not the point.

Portland Japanese Garden- It holds several beautiful plants and flowers. From cherry blossoms to just flowers in general.
Lincoln City- It has beautiful beaches and who doesn’t like a good beach during the hot summer? Also the coffee there is so good, just saying.
The City of Powers- I have been going to Powers for as long as I can remember and all I can say is its obviously old and they are keeping it looking historical. The camping sites are wondrous, but I can advise that it gets very packed and you have to reserve spots before you go most of the time.

These places are places I haven’t been to or have been and want to go back to and I definitely recommend them as a fun place for you and your family (hey, maybe even your dog or cat or any other animal you want to bring… just make sure they have a leash) to visit during the summer.