Popular Video Games

Jayden Knight, Staff Writer

We’re all teens, we love video games. We need to know which games are trending and which aren’t. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to tell you about the top 3 games of 2017. These games include, Arms, Everything, and Gravity Rush 2. Well, what am I waiting for? Let’s get to our consoles.

The first game is called, Arms. Arms is a multiplayer game for the new console Nintendo Switch. Arms is rated E for everyone. The directors are Kenata Sota, Massski Ishikwa, Shintaro. The huge number of characters you can play including Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, Niagara, Master Mummy, Min Min, Mechanica, Twintelle, Byte and Barq, Kid Cobra, and Helix. Arms seems like a pretty good game. It kind of reminds me of the game Splatoon. This game might be the one I want to play next.

The next game is called Everything. Everything is a game where you are literally everything. You play in the perspective of everything. This game is available for PlayStation 4 and Windows. Did you know that the trailer for Everything is 11 minutes long!

The third game you’re going to want to play is called, Gravity Rush 2 (unless you live in Japan, then it’s called Gravity Daze 2). Gravity Rush is an anime series of video games. This game is available for the PlayStation 4. Gravity Rush 2 is a single player, action-adventure game. The game takes place right after the first Gravity Rush.
So those are the top 3 games of 2017 so far. Which game will you play next? Will it be Everything, Gravity Rush 2, or will you play Arms?

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