About Inauguration Day

Abner Kennerly, Staff Writer

Inauguration day is January 20th every four years, and it’s when the president elect is sworn in to become our president. People can watch this event on TV or go to DC on this day, but this isn’t the only audience. Members of congress, high ranking military officials, former presidents, and living Medal of Honor recipients attend.

The new president will say a speech thanking the people for electing him president as well as to tell people how he will enforce the things he said during his campaign and announce his main policies. A prayer will be said and a poem. Then performers do whatever they wanted to do along with a parade, all of which will be held in Washington DC.

After the events have happened, the former president will vacate the White House and the new president will move in along with his family.

Here is a little history about the inauguration. This event has happened to every president including George Washington. Of course, it wasn’t as popular as it is now. Ever since George Washington, people would get medals to remember this event. Some presidents wouldn’t like this and would be able to make their own, like Theodore Roosevelt did.