Arctic Foxes

Natalie Hernandez, Staff Writer

Fat? Pfft…no, more like really fluffy. I just want to hug the cute little fox so much! They’re so adorable, but don’t forget Arctic foxes are still wild animals that will not hesitate to attack if they feel threatened, so maybe watching them from a distance is a better idea, unless you want an aggressive animal on your hands…anywho! A grown Arctic fox weighs about 6.5 or 21 pounds the males usually reach around 2.3 to 3.5 feet long not including the tails. Arctic foxes are 9 inches and 1-foot-tall when measured from the shoulder area. Did you know that Arctic foxes fur changes colors? No? Well they sure do! White in winter to blend into the snow and brownish/grayish in spring, cool right?
The Arctic fox can be found living in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Scandavia and even Iceland where it is the only native land animal, so pretty much in cold places and any animal to live in cold places must have adaptions to that environment, right? And here ya have it, to survive they have several adaptions their round compact bodies, to help minimize the surface exposed to the cold air, their muzzle, legs and ears are short to conserve heat. And of course having thick fur covering them from head to toe also helps, for both body heat and to easily walk on ice and snow.
One of the interesting behaviors of an Arctic fox is how they hunt, they have incredible hearing, aided by their sensitive ears, which allow them to locate the precise location of the prey beneath the snow. When the Artic fox hears its prey beneath the snow-packed ground it leaps into the air and pounces, breaking through the layer of snow separating it and the prey. Fascinating right? Just imagine, being in your house just a normal day when something breaks through your roof to eat you! Aha okay…new subject! We talked about how they hunt but not what, well artic foxes will eat almost any small animal such as lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish and carrion. They also scavenge on things left by larger animals.
To be honest Arctic foxes are my favorite animal right next to wolves, what’s your favorite animal, perhaps a fierce tiger or a cute chinchilla or maybe neither and you prefer bigger animals such as an elephant. Oh well I love all animals, although I must admit sharks terrify me, what animal scares you yet you still find yourself loving it?