Eye Color Dominance from Your Parents

Izabella Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered why you have the color eyes you have? Well, here is a way to find out. Both of your parents have genes. They both get passed down to you. If one of your parent’s eye color is dominate, you will most likely get his/hers eye color. For example, if your mom has blue eyes and your dad has brown eyes, you will most likely have brown eyes. Blue is a recessive gene, and brown is a more a dominate gene, making it more likely to be your eye color.
Dark eyes are most dominant with humans. Blue and green eyes have no pigment in the eyes. Unlike brown eyes, blue eyes have low concentrations of melanin in the stroma of the iris of your eye. In humans, the inheritance is considered a polygenic trait, meaning that is controlled interactions to several genes, not just one.
The visual spectrum of the eye determines eye color. Blue eyes are at the end of the spectrum, hazel and green are in the middle and brown is at the top which is why dark brown is very popular within human eye colors. If you have brown eyes, the chance of your child’s eyes being light are slim.
It was so interesting learning about all different eye colors and the genes to get them there. The chart shows the color of you and your partner’s eyes and the likeliness of your child’s eyes. I thought it was impossible to have dominate grey eyes; no! People actually have grey eyes. Human eyes are actually very interesting, everyone has unique eye colors and this topic is definitely one that I would get more into.