Is Tack More Expensive Than Your Horse?

Bella Hester, Staff Writer

I want to see if all the tack is more expensive than just your horse with its’ teeth and feet with shoed done plus one months’ worth hay and grain. First, we add all the horse needs. Hay is usually, where we get it from, 3 dollars a bale we use about 4 bales a month. That’s $12.00 and we use about 1-2 bags of grain at 25 dollars. Getting shoed and getting his feet done are about $160-200 dollars and his teeth are about $100. That’s around $337. Now the actual horse. This varies for every horse let’s say $800 so all that added together is $1137. Now let’s talk about tack.

First you need grooming tools a curry comb, stiff brush, soft brush, mane and tail comb, and hoof pick. All that’s about 27 dollars. Next you need a washing rack stuff, shampoo, conditioner, scrubber, hose, and water scraper. All of that comes out to around $21. Next you need a halter lead+ rope which is about 20 dollars. Just your basics are about $68. You will also need a blanket which is like 100 dollars. So, in total, you’re spending $168 on just your basics.

Now the actual riding tack. You will need saddle, saddle pad, cinch, bridle, bit, splint boots, bell boots (optional), breast collar (optional), and back cinch which is also optional. All that is A LOT of money but it all differs on the person and where you get it from. I will be getting information from Costal Farm and Ranch. A saddle is around $400 dollars and a saddle pad are around $60 dollars. A cinch and back cinch are 16 bucks each so $32 and a breast collar is $60 dollars. A bridle, bit and splint boots and bell boots all together are $150. All that together is $702, which is less than what you got for your horse. With the basic stuff added that would be $870.

Obviously, this differs from every horse and person and tack is more or less expensive in different places around the world but for me the cost for the horse with in teeth floated his feet done and shoed and one month’s worth of grain is more expensive than all the tack. I thought the tack would be more because there is so much of it but that’s not what happened I don’t really understand why horse stuff is so expensive but it is I guess we just have to deal with it. All together that would be $2007. That’s a lot of money for an animal!