Horse Tips

Emily McWhorter, Staff Writer

Bonding doesn’t always happen right away when you get a new horse. But, you have to remember to be firm, fair, and consistent with your horse. You have to have a firm and fair connection with your horse. You also have to respect your horse for your horse to respect you.

Communicate clearly and firmly although your horse manners and attitude. Don’t let your horse get away with bad stuff because in the long run it could end up dangerous-deadly results.

But you also have to be fair if you want your horse to do something it doesn’t know or understand you shouldn’t get mad/angry because your horse could get mad/frustrated as well.

Also, don’t just go out to your horse for work like riding and/or lunging. Your horse would probably like a break from its job just like you would. Just try to go out there sometimes to groom or give treats to or spend time with him/her. Also, this would be a great time for bonding.