The New Exotic Ruby KitKats

Anna McKenna, Staff Writer

Have you ever eaten a pink KitKat? You know these sweet chocolate candies are layers of crispy wafer and usually milk chocolate outside. Well, over the 80 years KitKat has made millions of flavors contain 200 flavors in Japan and couple in the states. You may not know this but the creator of the KitKat is Nestle and George Harris who came up with the name in 1935. This year on January 19th, a new flavor of coco bean was discovered, the Ruby Cacoe bean. It was used to make a deep pink Ruby Chocolate mixture.

Who’s the creator of “KitKat Chocolatery Sublime Ruby”?

The development of pink dessert comes from Swiss chocolate maker named Barry Callebaut. The dark pink colors are made up of Ruby Cacoe bean. Nestle, a candy company, helped team up with Callebaut and Yasumasa Takagi, the maker of most Japan and Tokyo chocolates. Finally hitting the market, the dessert sadly will only be sold for $6.99 in Japan year long and for $22 around here until Valentine’s Day passes online. Lucky! Hershey in U.S has said be trying coming out with flavor of their own Ruby chocolate.

What will they look like?

Like I explained there will be the Ruby chocolate but in the “KitKat Chocolatery Sublime Ruby” package there is four wacky flavors including the Sublime Ruby, milk chocolate, cough drop, white, and sushi which KitKat has produced throughout years. According to National Post the dark, milk, and white chocolate is what makes the Ruby KitKat. The candy is said have a strong fruity fragrance and the normal wafer insides. Its berry sweetness with a slight sourness is a thick rich flavor and texture. In a medium sized box 5 pink lipstick small boxes labeled “KitKat Chocolatery Sublime Ruby” in silver.

Is this the future chocolate?

Ruby chocolate has been said to be the prettiest chocolate to be created from creators and millennials who are all over this strange exotic candy that they just discovered in September and told us about in January. The berry chocolate has come to be fifth chocolate on the list. Nestle has took the many stops and turns on making it the perfect candy bar that I believe this Ruby chocolate will be a regular in future. Both Nestle and Hersey’s have spoken of using and wanting use new flavor,

In conclusion, KitKat has finally come out with even more surprising flavor and are the chosen ones of getting to use the sweet and sour Ruby chocolate for first time before all candy bars. Will this pink dessert send gratification to future sweets? And will it make the general public happy? All we can do is sit back and snap KitKat and relax. 😉