
Cord Mincher, Staff Writer

Pacman is a classic game. One of the most iconic games ever, rivaling Mario, Donkey Kong, space invaders, and even tetris! It was very popular in its time, and has since become less popular. More people play games like C.O.D, GTA, Minecraft, and Roblox.
Pacman was invented in May 1980 by Japanese video game designer Toru Iwatani. It was first released in Japan under the name Pakkuman, and later in October 1980 to the United States of America, where it became very iconic and popular.
“If you make a pizza and eat a single piece, it looks like a mouth. That’s where my idea came from.”
-Toru Iwatani, Pac-man creator
So far, the high score on pacman was on the online version, The score was 3,333,360 points, by Billy Mitchell. “Mitchell took more than 6 hours to complete the game,”
The pacman ghosts are the odd part of the game. They chase you around, making it harder to eat all of the dots. There names are Blinky(red ghost), Pinky(obvious color), Inky(baby blue) and Clyde. There other names, given to them by Iwatani, are Speedy(pink), Shadow(red), Bashful(blue), and Pokey(orange).
Fun facts:
1 Pac-man was the first undead survival game, if you think about it.
2 The ghosts in Pac-man are programmed to do different things; blinky chases you; Inky is random and unpredictable, and she randomly chooses between the other three ghost’s patterns; Pinky tries to position herself in front of you; and Clyde just ignores pac-man and does what he wants.
3 The ghosts have many different names from fans. Look them up.

Pacman is fun, and I hope you like it too. If you’ve never played it before, go on google and search it, play it, and have fun.