The Perfect Vacation

Jaycie Hale, Staff Writer

Many people may like to go to Austin, Texas because it is warm there and they have lots of things to do especially during spring break. Also a lot of people try to go to warm places because it is normally cold during spring break in most places. Another place that many people like to visit is Cabo San Lucas, Mexico because again it is very warm in Mexico and who don’t like to visit beaches. Also Mexico is fairly cheap, but many people don’t like going to some places in Mexico because they have many gangs there that kill many people.

Another place that many people may want to visit on spring break is Tampa, Florida which again is a very warm tropical place that has many places that have access to the ocean, but one thing about all these states is that the are all on/near the gulf coast which that gulf coast water is super warm compared to any other ocean and also the water is blue blue or is clear. Another place to visit is South Padre Island, Texas which is also very beautiful because of its location which is also located on the gulf coast as well. Which all places on the gulf coast are all beautiful. Also another very pretty place to visit is New Orleans which also has a large body of water near it but it is only a lake that is connected to the ocean. Which is very tropical themed and it has lots of palm trees.

All the places that people recommend are the nice tropical areas that are warm year round, but some people enjoy the cold especially people from the warmer states. I think that a great place to visit if you like the cold or just want to enjoy a nice cold place. I think Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington are great places to visit. Washington is nice and cool but not too cold. It is nice and moisturized there.

Parts of Oregon, Idaho and Utah have nice hot springs where it basically a natural hot tub normally out in the middle of nowhere many people that come to these colder states end up loving them so i think that if you don’t know where to go for spring break you should try to visit one of the colder states. This year for spring break think about visiting one of these states, whether Florida or Oregon try to go out of your comfort zone and explore the world.