YouTube Bans LGBT+ Videos?!

Emily Harger, Staff Writer

If I could describe how angry I am now, planet Earth would be more uncivilized than usual. YouTube blocked almost anything to do with LGBT+ in the restricted section.
YouTube is an escape for LGBT+ people. If they feel hurt, lost, need guidance or advice, they go to their favorite YouTubers’ for that. Usually they go to YouTube for support and comfort of fellow LGBT members. These people can feel hurt, lost, scared, feel like their only escape is to hurt themselves and they are taking their comfort from them.
To me, this seems like complete and utter discrimination. The fact that people can take this away from another because they’re ‘different’ is truly disgusting. The fact that people fear their children will become gay or Trans makes me equally, if not more, mad. It’s not their choice to become gay or Trans; it’s who they were born as and who they were meant to be. There is nothing anyone can do to change them.
YouTube can give people inspiration to come out. Some people are scared and can’t talk about being LGBT with people, so people having the courage to come out publicly and people still loving them gives them hope to do this as well.
I’m the type of person to stand up for what’s right and for what I believe, and I believe that LGBT deserve to have a voice and stand up for themselves, and I’m willing to be that person. Some might disagree with my views but to me and to others this is important and I’m willing to help them, not only for them but for myself as well.