Boys’ Basketball Highlights

Warrior Staff


  • The 7th grade team played JoLane White on November 1st. The final score was: WMS 22 and JoLane White 47. Brady Anderson, Dante’ Cook, and DJ Bennett each scored 6 points during the game and Osten Forney scored 2 points.


  • The 7th grade team had a tough fought game against JoLane falling short 35-32. Brady Anderson scored 7 points, Caleb Jones 5 points, Dante’ Cook 17 points, and Gavin Gilmore 2 points.
  • The 8th grade did a great job against JoLane winning 44-25.


Tuesday 12/6/16:

  • The 7th grade team fought a hard game against JoLane Red. The final score was: WMS 31 and JoLane Red 45. Caleb Jones scored 3 points, DJ Bennett scored 4 points, and Dante’ Cook scored a whopping 24 points.
  • The 8th grade boys took on JoLane’s combined teams on the 6th. The Warriors were missing Gavyn Jones who fell ill during the first couple minutes of the game and had another starter plagued with an ankle sprain. The boys battled through the game and were described as “scrappy and [as] working very well together” by the JoLane coaches. The Warriors lost the game by 6 points.